- Apologize. Let them know that you’re sorry they’re unhappy.
- Remain positive. Don’t argue with them or sound defensive.
- Empathize with them. Let them know you understand how they feel.
- Listen. Don’t interrupt. Give them a chance to tell you everything.
- Ask questions. Confirm that you have a full understanding of their needs.
- Be an ambassador for your company. Let them know that you will personally handle this situation.
- Don’t blame others or pass the buck. Admit that you (or the company) was wrong. Don’t dwell on causes or excuses.
- Respond immediately. Do whatever you can do to get the problem fixed as quickly as possible. Delays work against you.
- Try to establish or maintain some rapport with the customer.
- Use humor when possible. Making people laugh puts them at ease.
- Agree on a solution. Make sure it is acceptable to them.
- Follow through. Make sure things get done how and when you said they would.