by adminpars | Feb 23, 2012 | Company News
I-CAR CEO John Van Alstyne said that for more than three decades, I-CAR’s focus has been on ensuring that the industry has the training needed to do complete and safe repairs. That mission remains, he said, but he also sees “more to the I-CAR value...
by adminpars | Feb 8, 2012 | News
I-CAR CEO John Van Alstyne said I-CAR taught 135,829 “student units” last year (a student unit is equivalent to one student taking one class), 18 percent more than I-CAR had forecast in its budget projections; it sold $1.64 million in online training,...
by adminpars | Aug 8, 2011 | Body Shop News, Claims Department News
“If you do not require training of those shops that are doing repairs for you, you need to consider the rapid changes (in vehicle design and materials). You cannot properly repair a new car accidentally any more. You just can’t do it.” –...
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