by adminpars | Aug 28, 2020 | Body Shop News
Hailstorms are a menace more so to car owners. Unfortunately, we cannot change the weather; hence the only solution is to avoid driving during hailstorms or have the phone number of a good auto hail repair company such as PARS Certified in your contacts just in case....
by adminpars | Aug 28, 2020 | Body Shop News
As a car owner, you need to accept that getting dent is part of the car ownership journey. However, what matters most is the auto dent repair service you get. Some have a perfect streak, but the probability of getting dents on your car is remarkably high. That is why...
by adminpars | Jul 10, 2012 | Management
Someone who is disgruntled or angry – whether a customer, an employee, a co-worker or a supplier – can easily inflict others with their attitude. Rosabeth Moss Kanter of the Harvard Business School offers these tips to help prevent that from happening. Don’t...
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